I sprained my right ankle 2 months ago, did not get a cast, and gave it a RICE treatment.
Now I have a problem with mobility, even going to physiotherapist and he has given me exercises to increase mobility, but they do not seem to work.
He was thinking out loud, that maybe a bone is blocking the mobility. Tte foot itself does not really give any pain anymore, but is just stiff, a little bit swollen and has very limited movement.
Here is a picture, I am trying to stretch out my foot, but this is as far as it goes, even when FORCING it forward with handpower, it is stiff and it seems to be blocked by something. Also picture, comparing it right left foot, which is normal.
It seems like foot it stiff around the heel, the heel doesn't seem to move like it looks in the left picture.
This is the injured leg2014-11-25 20.53.09.jpg This is other leg, for comparison2014-11-25 20.53.50.jpg
I googled around, and found out that there are bones calcaneus and talus, maybe one is blocking another?
Any suggestions what to do or maybe test some exercises, if my assumptions may be true?
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