Hello everyone. I am hoping to attract some advice regarding an ongoing condition I have since spraining my right ankle on July 21 2007. Although this has been going for a long time, my situation is now becoming more urgent and fast, hence this post. I have sprained this ankle 5 times and this last time was the most severe - the pain was much more intense and more widespread.
I saw Physiotherapists after the injury and have never been able to get any Dorsiflexion - achieving "0cm" when holding my big toe perpendicular to a vertical wall and bending my knee by keeping my foot flat. Around January 2008 the GP gave me a cortico-steroid injection. There was a very minor improvement (so minor that I may have been wishfully thinking and not noticing) but whatever improvement there was, disappeared a few weeks later.
I saw an orthopaedic surgeon who performed a Brostroem Repair and medial ligament repair on September 15 2008. My surgeon has stressed the importance of intense Physiotherapy and I have done everything I can to help this case. I see a Physio three times a week and after a visit to the surgeon on Friday 14 November, who advised even more aggressive Physio, I had an appointment on the next day where the Physio was indeed quite aggressive.
My situation is rapidly deteriorating and I can now barely walk. Not in a "oh this is just muscular pain" way, but I feel like my ankle is about to collapse. I am convinced I have a broken bone in my ankle that has gone undiagnosed. I am worried about my Physio visit tomorrow (Monday November 17) because of any further damage I am almost certainly doing.
I have googled about and Transchondral Talar Dome Fracture seems to ring some bells for me, but I honestly have no idea what I am doing. I also have anMRI tomorrow (Monday) where I am really hoping that whatever is going on is indicated, but what if it isn't? I seriously cannot walk. Two years ago, I was playing A-grade level squash and I consider myself to have a high pain threshold.
I now walk on my toes because it seems to put less stress on "the part orf my ankle that is about to collapse". I have less Dorsiflexion than I have ever had since the injury. My foot is swollen (not from the surgery - but because it always has been swollen ever since the injury).
My work is in research in computer science and mathematics. I am a university lecturer (who is having a hard time standing up on one leg for 2 hours).
I am sure my plea is a quite tasteless in its desperation, but I must admit my tendency for immediate advice and thoroughly appreciate any that can be provided.
Tony Morris.
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