dear everyone,
Suittherapies are slowly becoming a part of our therapy modalities in a number of countries.
In the list below I have collected as many various suittherapy sites as possible.
As far as I am informed the Russians and Polish (Adeli Suit) were first to start using suits in paediatric cases.
Dynamic Movement Orthotics Limited
Centrum Rehabilitacji Euromed - Adeli Suit, Cerebral Palsy
Neuro Suit
Second Skin - Custom Made Medical Pressure Garments and Splints
SPIO - SPIO (Stabilizing Pressure Input Orthosis) : flexible compression bracing system that assist with stability and proprioceptive deficits.
TheraSuit Method Intensive Suit* Therapy for Cerebral Palsy and Spinal Cord Injuries
I cannot inform you as to the quality of these suits.
I would be very interested to know how the children using these suits go over time.
That children with burns need suittherapie, that I understand.
But what are the results long term for children with developmental delay, generalized hypermobility and CP?
Can anybody enlighten us.