dear Emily,
I am reacting to your questions even though I cannot say anything about the current situation in Australia.
I do however want to congratulate you with this choice, it is a wonderful but very difficult job.
In my opinion it is wise to work as a regular physio for a number of years before specializing...
Do some voluntering in a childrens hospital or other facility to see what it is like to work with kids.
People do not like hearing this but I actually think the best paediatric physio's are the ones that do not specialize too early, maybe even have children themselves before they start working with them professionally and why.......
It is such a responsible job especially treating babies and young children.
You have to be able to:
assess and treat the child,
understand and be aware of the importance of their parents, school and environment
be able to deal with all the emotions,
and last but not least... you can do harm.....
I have heard young colleagues speak of how difficult they find
all these aspects.
I wish you well with your studies and your choice.
kind regards