Hello. I am in a rural area that supplies variety of physical therapy needs. Main patient case load is middle age to older orthopedic, neuro patients. we recently have a patient that has come to us that is 7 months old and dx with schizencephaly. area in the brain on the Right side that causes ventricular system to go through brain tissue to edge of cerebral tissue. here is my question? patient has no protective reactions any of the ways. I need some treatment ideas to gain reactions. Also is this something that patient will be able to do or learn? I have tried sitting on lap and drop leg and extending arm, roll on bolster, etc. Also he has decrease use of his L side mainly L UE . He keeps thumb in his fist and doesnt open or use L arm much. (OT is helping with UE but treatment ideas for getting him to use arm would be great.) Patient sitting for approx 5-10 sec with good head control. pt can prop up UEs on legs and support self but if he turn to look to far left or right or behind he falls over mainly to the L (weaker side) but sometimes he just falls back without warning. Standing: originally patient would not put his L leg down with standing but now he places both feet flat and stand 20-30 seconds with trunk support without LEs giving way. Rolling: can roll side to side and onto stomach but he cant get L arm out without assistance. patient can lay on stomach prone on elbows and occasionally shift to R side but not left side. Any suggestions for other treatment ideas would be great. Thank you !!!!
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