What equipment a physiotherapy center needs to manage patients with mental retardation/intellectual impairment?
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What equipment a physiotherapy center needs to manage patients with mental retardation/intellectual impairment?
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Interesting question since we don't actually treat mental retardation.
Are you asking about safety mechanisms that need to be in place when treating children with intellectual disabilities? Like alarm bell and emergency beacon?
Or aids that help with communication?
Or equipment that helps with the physical problems that you might encounter?
As you said equipment that helps with the physical problems that you might encounter. A new physiotherapy center will open and I need a list of the appropriate equipment in order to deal with this population.
I have updated the title of your thread to include the terms 'intellectual impairment'. This is a more current descriptive of the former 'mental retardation' which has negative connotations and it not really used anymore. Using it is bound to annoy a few people.
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Thanks, Physiobob. My thoughts exactly.
irene4them: So children with CP e.g.? The equipment depends on the physical problems that the children have got and the therapy you will provide/ goals that you work towards. Is the centre attached to a school?
I am not quite sure why you ask the question - if you provide the physio for the centre, you should know what you need. If you are so uncertain, may I suggest that you go and visit another centre and discuss this with them.
Or are you writing an assignment???
In this case, use common sense. There might be the need for big equipment like extra large height adjustable plinth, standing frames, tilt table, parallel bars and small equipment like different sized balls, foam obstacles, rubber rings, putty, things that make noises (drums, etc.).
Kind regards,
You must visit other paediatric center to get a clear view of the equipments needed.
Texan Urgent Care
Thank you all for your answers
You're most welcome and do let us know about the progress.
Texan Urgent Care
KelcieLe, I'm certain she is not actually setting up a centre, but this is a typical assignment question.
Who would employ someone in such an important position that does not even know what type of equipment to get????
Cheers, Fyzzio
Dear fyzzio and others, you seem to have experience in that area. I am not writing an assignment ( who would ask such a question!?). As I said, a new Physio center for kids with this condition is going to open. An anonymous person wants to pay for all the equipment. The people form this organization asked me to do a list. Because I'm abroad, and don't know about each patients condition, i wanted to ask this friendly question in order to not loose the sponsor! do not judge before knowing, and especially a colleague. regards, irene
Hi Irene,
sorry mate, I am not judging, I said that I am certain. This is after all a rather typical assignment question in preparation for paediatrics.
I understand that you are a Physiotherapist in the UK. I understand that somewhere in the world an organisation will open a centre for children with intellectual impairments. I understand how an anonymous donor is interested in funding equipment.
What I do not understand is: the basic education in physiotherapy will give you enough knowledge about conditions you might encounter in such a service and the therapy that you will need to provide. You might not be an expert in the field, but should still - without problems - be able to compile a list of very basic equipment (as I have done above) that you might need. I do not even understand how my list could have been helpful - unless you are a student and have never heard about those "things".
If you don't really know what is required, you should discuss with the centre what it is they need, rather than working on guess work and get a donor to fund equipment that might be completely inappropriate and the money spend better elsewhere.
Good luck,
Well, if i wanted a list which includes the below, i wouldn't ask! I may be 23 years old but im currently working for 2 years now. So basically i didnt ask for the basic equipment.
1. Balance Discs
2. Balance Stones
3. CPM machine upper and lower limbs
4. Crutches
5. Curb and Ramp Training Set
6. Cycle (active and passive)
7. Double Grip Medicine Balls
8. Dumbbells
9. Exercise Mats
10. Foam Rollers and wedges
11. Medicine Balls
12. Parallel Bars
13. Plinth
14. Plinth (large surface)
15. Posture Mirrors
16. Raised Rolls
17. Reach’N Range Overhead Pulley
18. Rollators
19. Saddle Chair/stools
20. Standers (Standing Frame)
21. Steps
22. Thera-Band™ Stability Trainers
23. Therapy Balls/ Swiss Balls
24. Tilt Table
25. Toileting chairs
26. Treadmill
27. Tumble Forms
28. Walker frame
29. Wall Bars
30. Wheelchairs
31. Wrist & Ankle Weights
Thank you again for your answers
Hello colleagues,
Dear Fyzzio, if i wanted to know the basic equipment (see below), i wouldn't ask! I asked for something more.
I might be 23 years old, and for you may not have experience but im currently working for 2 years now.
If you need any information about the cardiovascular rehabilitation due to my specialty, i would be happy to help you. Don't hesitate !!
1. Balance Discs
2. Balance Stones
3. CPM machine upper and lower limbs
4. Crutches
5. Curb and Ramp Training Set
6. Cycle (active and passive)
7. Double Grip Medicine Balls
8. Dumbbells
9. Exercise Mats
10. Foam Rollers and wedges
11. Medicine Balls
12. Parallel Bars
13. Plinth (Beds)
14. Plinth (Neurology Beds)
15. Posture Mirrors
16. Raised Rolls
17. Reach’N Range Overhead Pulley
18. Rollators
19. Saddle Chair/stools
20. Standers (Standing Frame)
21. Steps
22. Thera-Band™ Stability Trainers
23. Therapy Balls/ Swiss Balls
24. Tilt Table
25. Toileting chairs
26. Treadmill
27. Tumble Forms
28. Walker frame
29. Wall Bars
30. Wheelchairs
31. Wrist & Ankle Weights
Dear Fyzzio,
I might be only 23 years old, and have only 2 years of experience but if i wanted to know the basic equipment i would ask!
I wanted to know something more, and it seems that you couldn't help me either.
If you need any information about cardiac rehabilitation, due to my specialty, don't hesitate to ask!