I'm treating a 1 and a half year old boy who nearly drowned 2 months ago. He wasn't breathing for approx. 5 minutes. He is suffering from severe spasticity with very strong extensor spasms. We started positioning last week (on initial assessment) which has reduced his tone enough to make passive movements possible but it is still nearly impossible to flex his spine and he suffers from full extensor spasms every 3 or 4 seconds. I have tried trigger points but can't seem to find one that reduces the tone rather than triggering spasms.
He also cries all the time unless held by his mother.
He has not been able to track any objects with his eyes and it has been difficult to ascertain if he has any understanding of verbal commands. He sometimes responds to requests to turn his head or open his mouth but these responses are too inconsistent to know if they are voluntary.
Any suggestions would be gratefully appreciated. He has been recently seen by the neurologist and they are not going to make any further changes to his meds.
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