Hello. First let me start off by saying that if I posted this in the wrong forum I apologize. I am just a desperate parent looking for some honest answers.
My wife and I had a baby boy 3 months ago. They delivery was very rough. My baby got stuck and had to be pulled out. The doctor that came to see me after he was born told me that is left arm was "floppy". They did an x-ray and found no broken bones. The next day I meet with a the head of Neonatology and he told me that my baby started to move his arm early that morning and it appears that the nerves only appeared to be stretched and it will heal on its own.
After we took the baby home from the hospital our pediatrician wanted him to be evaluated by a physical therapist. She gave us 3 contact numbers, but when we called all 3 were surprised that she requested an eval on a 6 day old baby. My wife works at a preschool and one of her friends who is a physical therapist came over and said that she sees him moving his arm, shoulder and flexing his elbow, but it is way to early to determine anything.
It has been 3 months since he was born and he really is moving his arm much more, but I noticed that he cant really reach out straight with that arm. He has no problem holding it up over his head or to the side, it is just straight out.
I have been reading a lot about Erb's Palsy. I am afraid that the doctors are just telling me what I want to hear. I just like to know how realistic is a full recovery?
Also, can anyone recommend a good type of massage therapy for an infant?
Thanks for any info. I really appreciate it.
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