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    Need help with a variety of paeds cases

    Cerebral Palsy In Infancy
    I am an undergraduate physio, have completed 2.5 years already. Currently I am volunteering at an orphanage in Vietnam, and helping out in the physio rooms there. But some of the things I have seen don't seem to be in line with what I have been taught. I don't have much experience and any advice would be much welcome!

    What is best for spasticity? What are the do's and don'ts and what are the things that are people might try but are just a waste of time?

    The lead pipe phenomenon...same question again...what should and shouldn't be done.

    I have limited access to the internet so don't have time to research all of these things myself, hence why I need your help


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  2. #2

    Re: Need help with a variety of paeds cases

    dear bj... good for you!

    the following sites will give you a lot of downloadable information about various disorders: it does mean you will have to take the time to find and print though.. I can´t do more than that... but I think its wonderfull you are doing something like this...

    http://whqlibdoc.who.int/hq/1993/WHO_RHB_93.1.pdf is site of the WHO - guide for mid-level rehab workersfor kids with CP and....

    http://whqlibdoc.who.int/hq/1995/WHO...91.1_Rev.1.pdf guidelines for prevention of deformities in polio

    http://whqlibdoc.who.int/hq/1996/WHO_RHB_96.5.pdf guide about spina bifida and hydrocephalus

    http://whqlibdoc.who.int/hq/1996/WHO_RHB_96.4.pdf guide about spinal cord injuries ( adults and kids)

    AND go to Welcome to the World Confederation for Physical Therapy under forums paediatrics for lots of information about various diseases.. I have been collecting data for over a year now.

    for extra information also go to Global-HELP : Non-Profit Low-Cost Health Publications

    Both the help organisation als the WHO have articles in various languages. might be of som extra help for your colleagues.

    good luck with your enterprise!

    esther de ru

    p.s. lots of good ideas in these guides. Maybe not always completely new but enough to help you and others in these difficult circumstances.

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