Last summer I was out with some friends and we were messing about and i punched my friend on the arm (stupid, I know). It wasn't intent on hurting him, just playing around as boys do, but nevertheless i felt too stupid about it to go see a doctor. as I hit him my wrist turned and most of the impact was on the top of my wrist.

I play basketball at least 3 times a week, and instead of resting the injury i continued playing basketball, even a little bit on the day I injured it, making the injury a lot worse. The season started in September, and I decided to wait until the end of the season to seek attention, despite it affecting my shot.

Now the season has finally finished and my wrist still hurts. It's ok when i have it straight with my forearm, so i can do press ups on my knuckles instead of using my hands, but when i extend my wrist fully at the end of my shot I still feel it. I think possibly the injury has heeled, as I tried resting it as much as possible outside sport during the season, so possibly its now just tightened up as I've not used it as much. If it's actually damaged, how can I fix it? And if it's just tight due under-using it, how can i restore its flexibility and range of movement i previously had?

Sorry about being unsure of the injury, but i would seriously apreciate help with this, I'm 15 and play basketball at a national level in England, I need my wrist to be 100% again. Please help!

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