Hi there,
I seem to have pain at my tibialis posterior and I think it's from running too much too fast (I jumped in training schedule from about 6/7 km every few days to 13km every day). It now hurts to walk but if I warm it up its okay and doesn't hurt.
I am a physio student, can someone clarify with me the following?
It hurts mostly when it goes into pronation because the tib post is supposed to control this movement eccentrically and tib post is probably weak? Does this mean I should include eccentric exercises into my rehab program so that it strengthens tib post the most ? (should I prescribe these after a few days of concentric exercises for tib post? (I was thinking inversion exercises with a elastic resistance band).
I have a flat/sway back for a postural assessment potentially indicating tight calf muscles.. could this also be contributing? Should I prescribe myself some gastroc and soleus stretches? I'm thinking of addressing my core stability (I have weak lower abs) too..
I'm desperately in love with running, I want to get back into as soon as I can. If I tape my foot into a neutral position (using the basket weave.. or even if I tape it into a position of supination?) could I run on it faster?
Is it a good idea to tape my foot into this position while wandering around my day?
I noticed the pain badly yesterday, but I have a feeling its been creeping up for a few weeks (cos thats when I increased my training).
Does this all sound fair? I have had 1 day off so far and its killing me. I was thinking of getting myself to have 4 days off at least. But I don't want to make it worse. I have a running race on on the 22/3 and also a really good one on on the 28/3 ... I guess I will have to do some hardcore taping??
What do you guys think??
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