i am a 20 year old student that participates in mixed martial arts(cage fighting). i know people that will be reading this will presume i am asking for injuries but the sport is actually very technical and is not just people getting bashed about in a cage. well two and a half weeks ago i had a cage fight and after the fight i have began to notice a pain in my wrist.

here is my best desription on where the pain is. i feel the pain in my ulna right on the end. the pain is a three or a four out of ten but its just enough to niggle when i move my wrist upwards towards my forearm and bend it inwards as if i was trying to get my thumb to touch my radius. in terms of palpating it there is a pain in the groove between the ulna and the wrist bones aswell as pain on the ulna. there is no discoloured tissues or swelling of any kind. the wrist has full range of movement and there is no noises coming from the wrist.

any advise or help on my problem would be greatly appreciated thank you.

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