Brief Medical History Overview
Serious Calf injury

Hi I'm really hoping someone can help me here.
I had a bad injury on my calf on the 10th May.
Whilst playing football I basically took a full on kick from behind to my right calf on the side of the leg about half way up
The blow knocked me to the floor and I was in a bit of pain.
I tried to run it off but couldn't keep any weight on it so stopped playing.
Upon looking at the site of the impact on my leg I noticed a circular bruise had appeared almost instantly which I'd never seen come up before, usually it takes a day or so for me to see bruises after injury
I iced it immediately but I was in serious pain for the rest of the week. The leg swelled up quite considerably too and I couldn't walk without a very big limp. Sleeping was hard to find a position comfortable and getting up and down the stairs was a big effort.
The problem was made worse as I had a big game the week after which I tried to get fit for, so I saw a sports physio the next day who put a current through it and did some ultrasound, I went back a few times in the week and the day before the game I strapped it up and tried to put weight on it by trying to run but it was no good, one step with full weight on it was sheer pain.
The week after it slowly got better in that I could walk a bit better but still with a considerable limp and the swelling remained. The bruising all came out and began to fall down my leg with what I suspect was gravity, eventually all the bruising was in the ankle. I used Movalat gel to help with this.
I do remember I was on the landing the week after and not doing anything I felt a sudden pain, it was like my leg felt as if it was going to collapse and it was like being back to square one without being able to move leg without serious pain.
I decided at this stage to go to A&E. The nurse there looked at it and told me it wasn't broken just badly bruised, they didn't even send me for an x-ray.
I went back to the physio who said I had a haematoma on the leg and he could clearly feel it, he just did 8 minute ultrasounds on it for the next week.
Where I could I iced it when possible to reduce the swelling.
2-3 weeks on I wasn't happy with the recovery so I went to my GP who confirmed it wasn't broken and said that it was a big muscle group but that I could expect to be ok in around 2-3 weeks.
So now after just under 6 weeks on I am able to walk without a limp and just about without pain but there is still a problem, with a flat foot I can put all my weight on my damaged leg and I can even hop onto it.
What I can't do is put that extra weight on my leg with anything that doesn’t involve a flat foot.
If I try and stand on tip toes I get pain, not a lot but enough to know there is still damage there and it causes discomfort
The pain also seems to be higher in my leg, than where I got the kick too.
I also cannot run on it as that movement also gives me a short sharp pain and I have to stop.
So I'm not sure what to do, the physio who I've not seen for 2 weeks now said he felt that everything was in the correct place but he could still feel the haematoma there.
3 weeks after I did it, he gave me some stretches to do by standing half on a step with the bad leg and gently lowering myself up and down, he also got me to turn my foot to the left and right slightly as well.
3 weeks ago those exercises really hurt but now I can do them pain free.
My cause for concern is that it’s now almost 6 weeks on and I still can’t run, I’m 32 so am no spring chicken but having read a few things about this injury I’m so scared I’ve got a bone bruise or worse I may have this Myositis ossificans!! I just want to be able to get back to playing, I know it’s only 6 weeks but it seems like an age already.
Usually if I get an injury I can strap it up with a support but strapping doesn’t help with this injury at all, this fact also worries me.
I still don’t know if I should try and stretch or strengthen it to see what happens of it I should go back to the doctors or try another Sports physio
Any help would be most welcome.
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