I'm writing again - I can't believe my bad luck actually....I dislocated my left knee two weeks ago; it was awful, I lost my footing on the decking, fell backwards and my leg was caught underneath my body, my knee dislocated and was facing right angle to the left when I looked at it. 30 minutes later, a paramedic and a lot of entonox and he pushed it back in - yes it was excruciating!!!
I have since seen an orthopaedic consultant who is not happy with the state of my knee. I'm due anMRI in another 10 days then a follow up appt with the surgeon - he thinks it may need surgery and is not sure about nerve damage (I'm getting tingling around the side of the knee), but my leg is in a medi brace and I can't weight bear. My knee remains hugely swollen, it makes a clicking noise and when I bathe it just 'hangs' in the water. The bruising was extensive going down the length of my calf and like a bracelet around the front and back of my knee - it's fading now.
I'm writing to you because I'd like to know the long-term effects this can have, I've just had to cancel a holiday as I'm not able to walk and even if I could I'm classed at risk of DVTs - hence can't fly; I'm off work - obviously, but feel incredibly concerned that things aren't 'fixing' themselves (I'm 41, does this make things worse?). The pain occurs if my knee even rests to one side for a few minutes, it's miserable to say the least. Do you have any words of reassurance please, I'm so miserable!!!
Many thanks, Lisa
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Really you need the results of theMRI to ascertain the extent of the damage. By the sounds of it thought a 90 degree lateral angle at the knee following dislocation means probably collateral ligament,
cruciate ligament and probable meniscal injuries. A fixed brace would be the normal first course of action.
On a brighter note, the Australian rugby team player, Tim Horan, did something similar about 15 years or so ago and he recovered and went on the play for the wallabies again at international level. So all is not lost but it will take a lot of work from both you and the physio. Chin up and let's wait and see what the scans show.
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