Brief Medical History Overview
inside of the ankle, this injury is thoroughly annoying. ANY ADVICE WELCOME!

Hi all, let me just start off by blaming my mother for my terrible genetics in regards to my feet... countless problems with them over my career as a soccer player.
last year i went snow boarding for the first time. As expected, i stacked many a time and due to the nature in which the ankles are locked in... some strong falls resulted in my ankles being twisted and jerked at high speed.
however it wasn't until a while after this when i recommenced my futsal (like indoor soccer) season. I rolled my ankle to such a degree that i was out for around 12 weeks (including extra weeks to be sure of full recovery). This proved to be a reoccurring deal and came to the point where it was not possible to play without taping it. A month or two later, my other ankle gave way and now i must play with both ankles taped... which i have learned to deal with
however (yet another twist in the story, and this is what my post is about)... i have recently been struck down with pain on the inside of my ankle. It is a sensation that occurs only when i make quick movements such as taking a shot at goals or changing direction quickly. This pain is very strong but after 10 or so minutes of activity it subsides to almost no pain at all. This allows me almost full use of my ankles without any hinderance from pain barriers... but after cooling down the pain returns but eventually diminishes completely after a day or so.
any help?
oh and for the record, i not played futsal for just over 2 weeks. I coach soccer though and today when taking a goal kick, the pain returned... only for a short amount of time though.
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