Brief Medical History Overview
Grade 2 Hamstring injury

Hi all,
I was wondering if any one could help. Approx 5 months ago i sustained a grade 2 hamstring rip (to the bicep femoris). Ive had a high intensity physiotherapy programe since and have had 3
MRI scans. The latest one confirmed that it had healed, ive just finished off my programme with the physio - we were working on building the strength and power back into it. The physio is now pleased with it and has told me i can go back to doing a full rugby training session (up till now ive only been doing parts of them).
My question is - over the weekend i watched the Springbocks play rugby and noticed that Brian Habbana was wearing some kind of cycling shorts that are suppost to support your hamstring and help eliviate any future hamstring problems. I know these wont be miracle workers but any little help. I was wondering if any one knew if these were the shorts that he's been wearing? Or if these would do the same job or if any one knew what kind he was wearing.
EDIT - its not allowing me to post the link but i searched on amazon for LINEBREAKER MEN'S LONG COMPRESSION SHORTS
Many thanks for your time, its greatly appreciated.
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