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What is this wrist injury/pain called?

Hi, I was just wondering if anyone can give me a name for the injury that is described in the following forum post on a tennis forum.
htt p:/ / .c om/showthread.p hp?t=276542
My pain is similar to that red area shown in the picture, which describes the pain area plus a little lower. My pain is also only found on the forehand volley motion which can be seen in this video.
http:/ /ww w.youtu be.c om/watch?v=gMS8NGfUQAs
For non tennis folks the forehand volley is the 3rd shot in the sequence. Is it possible the torque of the ball and racquet could cause this pain or over use? Thank you for any help. Even a name for this pain/injury, and I can do the research myself, Thank You again.
Sorry for the spaces but it was the only I could post links being a new member. The links are only used to describe the injury and motion involved in pain and are not spam. I hope that they can help others to potentially identify pain/injury in the future.
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