Brief Medical History Overview
Serratus anterior questions...
Hi, ive been experiencing some abnormal movements in one shoulder and i figure its best to try and strengthen my
rotator cuff and my serratus anterior to see if that clears up the problem.
However ive noticed that one side seems to be very weak or hard to contract more so than the other and during any benchpressing movements my scapula doesn't fully sit back in its place on the eccentric phase of the movement ie lowing the weights, its as if i have to consciously contract the serratus anterior to make the scapula slide back to its normal place whereas i dont have to do this with the other side.
Would this suggest a weak serratus anterior and is it possible to have a weak serratus anterior without any nerve damage from lack of proper use.
I can contract it fine directly but through resistant movements its harder to activate properly.
Secondly ive also noticed that when trying to activate the serratus anterior directly by raising my arm up and pushing out against resistance it almost feels that it restricts blood from flowing into my arm as i get a kind of pins and needles feeling starting to develop the longer i hold my arm in that position. I also get quite a violent clunking sensation as well when performing the movement.
Any ideas what this could be?
Weak external rotators, tight internals, mechanical, flexibility issues ect?..
Also while im here with the push up plus exercise do what do u do with my elbows, should they be externally rotated or internally rotated through the movement?
Thanks you for any help, greatly appreciate it
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