Brief Medical History Overview
Baffling 8 month Grade 2 MCL sprain
About 8 months ago I suffered a grade 2 sprain of my MCL in my left knee, which has since been confirmed with an
MRI scan, along with some minor fissuring of the patella. On the night of the injury, although in some pain, I was still able to play football, and it wasnīt until I was on the train home and then in bed that night that it really started to get painful. It didnīt swell up massively, but I became virtually unable to move it and could not sleep that night because of the pain.
At that point I got it x-rayed, but nothing showed up and over the coming 6 weeks or so I could feel improvement on it every day. After about 2 months I started playing the odd game of 5 a side football again as it was my weak leg which was injured so I could avoid using it and I only got a few twinges in it when I jogged about which werenīt too painful and when I had sprained my ankle ligaments I had been able to do this and it had not really affected itīs recovery. Over the next 3 months though, progress slowed to a stop, so about 5 months after the injury I eventually went to see a physio to see what was wrong.
At this point, in addition to playing football once a week I was walking about 45 minutes to work and back each day, which would be fine, but would make it ache a bit by the end. I was also still feeling twinges of pain whenever I went out at weekends and danced as drinking alcohol meant that I stopped being careful with it. For the rest of the time it didnīt really affect my daily life too much, but I could feel it almost all the time with a very mild pain. The physio told me that the lack of recovery was probably because when I walked my feet rolled in, putting extra strain on that ligament. This was also apparently associated with having a poor posture, with over developed hip flexors and very tight quads, which possibly had something to do with weight distribution.
I started doing exercises to correct this, along with stopping playing football, and a week later on my next visit to the physio she performed cross friction massage to the ligament as well. The following day after the massage I felt some improvement, and as I also became able to be careful with the knee when I went out, this improvement continued for another 6 weeks or so until I wasnīt really feeling it at all for hours at a time. I even played football again, in a tournament, and although I felt a bit of pain in it between games I was passing the ball with my left foot with no pain and the next day it didnīt feel any worse.
A week later though I left to go traveling around South America for 9 months and on my first weekend in Chile, I guess as I had grown complacent, I made it worse again. I am not sure how I did this as I couldnīt remember feeling twinges in it how I used to do, but on the Sunday morning I felt like it had been put back about a month or so. Now, after another 2 months it is still not back to how it was. I have been very careful at all points and havenīt played any football or done any running so I am really confused.
In addition to this it feels different to how it did before, in that now I feel it mostly when I am sat down for more than 10 minutes or so, when it begins to ache. If I keep my feet up then it feels better, but obviously this is not always possible, and I have had a few days where I barely walk on it at all and it still didnīt feel any better afterwards. I also saw a physio in Santiago Chile a few times who gave it ultrasound and electotherapy (possibly called something different – pads were attached to my knee and electricity pulsed through it), but it didnīt really have any effect. To make things even more confusing, 2 weeks ago I went on a 5 day trek on uneven ground up and down mountains with a heavy back pack on, walking for about 8 hours a day, and my knee felt absolutely fine! Even when we did stop to sit down it felt fine and I basically felt almost nothing from it the whole 5 days, but when I got back, within about 5 days it had gotten back to almost as bad as it had been before.
Athough there was some small improvement this was mostly been wiped out a few days ago either through having an overnight bus ride (so was unable to fully recline – lying down in bed is the only time that I can never feel it) or through trying for a couple of minutes to massage the ligament myself as this was the only thing that seems to have worked so far. I really donīt know what I should be doing anyway and canīt discuss it with anyone out here as it is fairly complicated and my Spanish is not that strong.
I am also a bit reluctant as performing assessments on it in the past has often made it feel worse. So to sum up, at the moment I can walk around and only feel it a little bit after a while (on the first day of my long walk I felt this same mild pain after a while and then it went sometime later), but when I sit down it starts to ache after about 10 minutes. This can sometimes be alleviated by extending my leg, but not always.
If anyone has any advice on what might be wrong and what I should be doing to help it or what I may be doing already to stop it getting better, or any thoughts on whether it may need an operation and if so whether I might be able to get on a waiting list while I am out here, I would massively appreciate it.
I donīt mind paying for this time either, or calling someone up from out here, I am just desperate to have it sorted as worrying about it is seriously affecting my trip.
Thanks a lot. Sam
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Last edited by physiobob; 14-01-2010 at 03:28 PM.