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  1. #1
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    Mid-Shaft Femoral Fracture

    Hello! Last Friday I suffered a complete, transverse, non-comminuted mid-shaft femoral fracture after falling from my horse. It's now been surgically repaired with an IM nail and screws and I'm home after 5 nights in hospital. I am hobbling on crutches and was told I can begin putting weight on it immediately due to the completely transverse nature of the fracture. The leg is still quite painful, swollen and stiff. I had one consultation with a physiotherapist at the hospital--during which they suggested I begin straight leg lifts and knee-bending exercises, but other than that, I'm not sure how to proceed with physio. Any specific exercise suggestions? Also, should I apply ice to help reduce the swelling? I'm also wondering if anyone with experience with these fractures can tell me what it's like when you first get off crutches. Is walking initially quite painful/exhausting? I currently have tickets and plans for an overseas trip in about 6 weeks and I am wondering if it is still at all do-able if I aim to minimise walking!

    Thanks for your help.

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  2. #2
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    Re: Mid-Shaft Femoral Fracture

    Hi there,

    Sounds nasty! Good effort to do a midshaft femur - thats a hard one to break. The physio has given you some appropriate exercises to get started, though there are no hip exercises? depends on the surgeons directions as to how much you can do initially but I would think you should have some form of gluteal work.
    You can ice for swelling and pain releif - elevation also is fine, remember elevation means the above the heart.
    I'v not broken mine so can't comment on that side of things. In terms of healing times you have had a strong amount of fixation so you can weight bear which will help your healing times. generally it's around 12 weeks that the bones have properly united in the femur. I would consult your surgeon regarding your trip, but it should be do-able depending on what they say.
    What physio follow up do you have? Often you see teh surgeon again at 6 weeks and they refer you for physio then.
    Call the surgeons practice and find out from them when your follow up is, what exercises you are allowed to do, and take that to a private physio (pay th $15 surcharge on ACC) who can design you a exercise program for you to do while your on your trip away, unless you have a physio followup at the hospital and then call them to find out.
    Let us know what information you get.
    Have a good day.

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