Brief Medical History Overview
Tendinosis of the Infraspinatus due to weightraining
Hi all,
After years of Upright Rows in the gym, I've developed a tendinopathy of my left Infraspinatus. My Chiro says the muscle has a 'grainy' feel and gives me Deep Transverse Massage of the area weekly, and has recommended I perform a couple of exercises with the Thera-band, 100+ repetitions each movement.
The purpose of the treatment is to return to heavy weightlifting, principally in those movements that currently cause pain, ie the benchpress and overhead press. I have indeed discontinued all delt-specific work so as not to hinder the recovery process. Am I right in thinking that what hurts will impede the recovery? To a degree, lifting weights is painful, though a different flavour of pain, but we know that lifting strengthens the muscles.
He also identified a problem with shoulder blade movement. He initially ran a test where I raised and lowered my arms slowly, he found that the left blade was a fraction slower than the right.
I think I am his first patient with my symptoms, and possibly his first with a sports injury, could anyone give me a reasonable estimate as to how many weeks of massage/excercise before I can return to upper-body work?
Also, one of the exercises - one where I pull the band across my stomach, palm face-up, causes me very slight pain, nothing like the press work - is this to be expected as part of the healing? I am unsure why I should exercise it if its overuse was the original cause of the tendinosis.
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