Hi Mark
I presume that the surgeon has banned you from climbing - not so much because of the strenuousness of the activity (though that could be a reason) but because of the potentially disastrous result a fall might have on the vulnerable healing laminectomy site.
As far as need for rehab goes I think he is being a bit dismissive about not having physio. Sports people are going to subject their bodies to greater than usual stresses in the courses of their obsessions! It seems wholly sensible for you to be in the best condition you need to be for recommencing your sport.
I would not be happy giving you advice at a distance on exercise for a laminectomy. Two reasons:
- Yes your surgeon did a laminectomy but I don't really know what he/she did and if I was your physio I would want to before putting you through your paces
- A thoracic laminiectomy is a less common site (usuallyat the neck of low back) and the procedure is a bit different. Therefore again I wouuld not want to be in the dark about the procedure
You have had serious heavy duty surgery to one of your most valuable body parts - the part that protects your nervous system. you are entitled to get the best treatment you can. I would advise you to pursue getting some physio with a rehab type bent - in the gym with progressive resistance training, stretching, aerobic fitness, stability and balance training, specific exercises for the involved site - the whole works. But be under safe guidance. Your physio must communicate with your surgeon to ensure the best outcome for you.