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Thread: Knee Pain

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    Brief Medical History Overview

    Knee Pain

    Physical Agents In Rehabilitation
    I'm hoping someone on here can give me an answer. This is probably nothing at all, but it's beginning to really bother me so I was just wondering whether there might be an easy answer.

    I'm a 22year old female student.

    For about the past 2 months I've started developing severe pains in my left knee. The pain feels like a pressure in my knee that starts small and gradually increases over a few seconds until it becomes very painful. This only seems to occur when my knee is bent - usually when I'm sitting with it bent at 90degrees, and the only way I can reduce the pain is to extend it fully. I don't think it ever develops during movement.
    (N.B. The pain doesn't develop every time my knee is bent, but this is the only position in which it hurts.)

    There is also a lot of crepitus in the knee joint - much more than the other side, and it's there constantly. Even without touching my knee, I can feel it 'crunch' whenever I move it between flexion and extension. There is no swelling that I can see.

    The pain has been coming more and more often during the last month or so. It occasionally wakes me up at night if I accidentally sleep with my leg bent.

    Anyway, as I said, probably nothing, but I'd appreciate any opinions!

    Thanks very much

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    Re: Knee Pain

    you must consult it to the expert doctors..

    We have the same problem, I'm turning 20 now. I started having that knee problem when I was still 15 years old, and it's still occurring to me once in a while. Both my knees have experienced that feeling like as if it has been twisted, and it's really painful, I always cried because of the unbearable pain way back when I was just a 15 year old girl. Right now, I only have that twisting knee in the right knee, and after the pain my knees would have a muscle cramps.

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    Re: Knee Pain

    Hi.Im a physiotherapist.Pleas answer the question and I will try to help you.1.onset of pain?2.course and duration?3.have you morning stiffness?4.related trauma?have you other disease?Is your pain localized?have you any gait weakness?(giving way)?Is your patella tender? thank you

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    Re: Knee Pain

    Hi, thanks very much for trying to help me. I'll answer your questions as best as I can -

    1. Onset, usually gradually, but always after I've had my leg bent while sitting down, and have not been able to move it around very much - for example, sitting in the back seat of a car, or sitting in a lecture theatre.

    There is often a 'background discomfort' in the knee. A sort of nagging pain that I can feel but is not particularly bothersome, and I keep it at bay by extending my leg. Sometimes this nagging pain will just dissappear for a while, and sometimes it will develop into this very severe sharp pain.

    2. Pain increases sharply over about a ten second duration and then dies away again - usually because I've jumped out of my chair to move it around very quickly! I can't keep it flexed when the pain comes on as it's too painful. It started about two months ago and has been coming progressively more frequently.

    3. No. No morning stiffness at all.

    4. I can't think of any history of direct trauma. I've danced pretty regularly for the last 4 years, but have stopped in the last year due to time constraints - and there's no pain in my other knee whatsoever.

    5.Yes, pain is localised to the knee joint. I have no problems walking, though going down stairs is sometimes painful - and I do feel like the knee feels unstable when walking downstairs. It's almost as if it feels like it's about to 'give way', but never actually does.

    No patellar tenderness whatsoever, and no history of other medical condiitons.

    Hope that helps - I'm sorry if I haven't given very clear explanations. It's a little hard to describe through writing! Thanks very much for your time and any help you can give me!

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    Re: Knee Pain

    Could be patellar tracking problem or loose body. Could even be a bursitis. Really hard to say from the information given, think you would need it assessed properly. Doesn't jump out as anything really.

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    Re: Knee Pain

    thank you for your answer.your explanation was good.I think.you have chondromalacia of patella.you must avoid of any condition that made your knee full flexion.the physiotherapy is very benefit( such as ultrasound.heat.tens.taping.)hydrotherapy and exercise therapy( isometric exercise for quadriceps muscle. specially vastus medialis muscle and cocontraction of hamstring and quadriceps muscle)your knee pain can be disappear fully.you must go to physiotherapy clinic.excused me .if you have questions ,send me pm.i will be glad to help you.good luck

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    Re: Knee Pain

    Thanks very much for all your help!

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    Re: Knee Pain

    louise 87
    i read about your problem i dont know if this going to helpful to as i see it, as many of kind people have given a very sound advice but i think you should to perform the basic knee test which will give thr differntial diagnosis to understand the problem, some times it so happen that we tend foccus our requirment on the pain point. it looks like as i understand what gives you more pain through the mid to inner range, try to look into active insufficency problem as this can be one of prediposing factor.
    try performing patellar test as it will narrow your problem!
    further i can only think what might be occuring on the fact what you have described or i may be wrong i apologise for, throuh the mid to near inner range the patellar tendon extends over to its insertion . at that point say 90-95 degrees patella may be compressing against the bursa try excuding it and look for hamstring insufficency.
    hope this might be helpful as for relief of pain when this happens is try mobilisation to the patella crainal and caudal and medial and lateral movements!and acl test movement which could help along with some hot and cold compression therapy.
    hope this of help!

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    Re: Knee Pain

    Hi Louise

    Due to the long duration of your symptoms I would suggest there is more of a muscular imbalance at fault for your symtpoms, especially in the abscence of any trauma to the knee.

    I would expect you would have some tightness in the hamstrings and calf muscles so would start with lots and lots of stretching for these muscles specifically and probably the quads/hipflexors, atleast 2-3 times daily, I usually prescribe 3x30seconds for each muscle in one set.

    The weakness you describe going down stairs would suggest poor eccentric control of your quadriceps, start some strengthening for these with isometric VMO exercises, progressing to IRQ and SLR with good VMO contraction, then onto wall squats with emphasis on the lowering phase, double leg and then single leg and then single leg lowering on a step using affected leg. Knee alignment is very important, keep hip knee and toes straight! If any cause pain then your prob progressing to quick or going to low, take your time, strengthening takes a long time. Would also suggest some glut strengthening aswell as these are normally weak i.e. clamshell exercise, single leg wall push, single leg bridge.

    If these help and pain reduces continue with regular stretches and add in some calf and hamstring strengthening once muscles are suitably lengthened.

    Althou I agree heat, tens, ultrasound may help control pain, I dont see how these would give lasting relief in long standing symptoms like yours. Deep tissue massage would be useful along with the stretches if your feel certain muscles are particularly tight.

    This is only going off what you have mentioned and from my experience, but hope it helps! Any questions then please ask. I appriciate you might not know some of the abbriviations I've used but if you type them in google it will come up as will the exercises!!


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    Re: Knee Pain

    A knee pads is one tool that deal with the uneasiness of knee osteoarthritis. A support may help decrease pain by moving your weight off the most harmed part of your knee. Wearing a knee pad can improve your capacity to get around and help you walk farther easily. There are different kinds of kneepads that utilized for knee joint inflammation. Visit our website and get more information about how to get rid of knee pains.

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    Re: Knee Pain

    Aircast Airselect Short Boot
    According to your age, you are facing this knee problem at a very early age. Normally, healthy girls never face this problem. I think you should talk to some good medical providers. You must visit them on and off if this problem of pain is severe. I think you have some physical weakness. Try to take some vitamins like calcium and proteins. But first, seek medical advice and then take care of yourself. indexblogger check this website if you want to know some healthy daily teas to improve your health.

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