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    Brief Medical History Overview

    Lateral Collateral Ligament Injury

    Hi guys, apologies if this is a bit long winded, but I need to give you as much info as possible. I'd like some advice if possible, here's my story.

    Played football back in late October and went in for a challenge with my left leg - the opposing player's knee caught the inside of my left knee and 'knocked' it, for want of a better term. I felt at the time a 'twinge' on the outside of my knee - the term 'twinge' might be a bit strong, because it didnt actually hurt.

    At the time, it didnt feel painful - in fact I played on quite comfortably for the remaining 10 mins, it was not until the next few days I noticed the pain.

    Anyway, I knew I'd done something and after research I discovered I must have done my Lateral Collateral Ligament as the symptoms and area of pain match exactly. I rested my knee for November and December, with no Running or Cycling. Obviously I couldnt stop walking!

    So anway, In the 2nd or 3rd week of January I could no longer feel any pain the knee, and decided to very gently get back in to cycling and running.

    Ive had a knee ligament injury before, when I was about 14 (Im 26 now) and I remember how long it took to get better.

    Anyway, I did about of week or so of light cycling, which equates to maybe 4 hours a week, and I didnt feel any pain, so I moved on to the treadmill.

    Again, I was very gentle and starting running for maybe 10mins at a time at a relatively slow speed for me - and all was fine, my knee wasn't hurting during running, nor was it 'painful' after running - so much so I'd started to step up the speed and time on the treadmill to 20mins.

    The only minor complaint I'd have was that the knee in question would feel 'numb' after running, but certainly no discomfort. I was delighted, I hate being injured and I was happy to be back running again.

    Anyway, one day I went back on the tread mill and this time I did one of the presets - I chose the hill one, you know, where you go up and down hills. I did it at a slow speed.

    After this, my knee became painful again and starting swelling a tiny tiny bit (hardly noticeable). So, I gave it about 10 days rest from running/cycling and then went for a run in the park, but it was still painful, and swelled up again.

    That run in the park was now 18 days ago - I've said to myself to rest for at least a month - so no running, no cycling, no over exerting myself in the swimming pool for at least a month. Im also trying to do RICE most days in the evening before bed.

    So, Im 18 days in, and it's not improving much, my knee still feels slightly instable and there's still a bit of swelling.

    Im confused as to how in January all was fine initially, then I managed to hurt it again? Is this common? Did I just do too much too early?

    I'd really appreciate some advice/guidance on this from someone who knows what theyre talking about.

    What stage am I at in the recovery period?
    Is there anything more I should be doing?
    Is there anything I can stop doing to help the recovery?
    Is the fact it got better then worse again down to my eagerness to get back running?
    When should I start back again?

    Thanks for your advice in Advance...Phil

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    Re: Lateral Collateral Ligament Injury

    Any ideas or advice anyone? Please?

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    Re: Lateral Collateral Ligament Injury


    my first thoughts phil are that there might be something other than a ligament tear going on. you sound very sensible with regard rest and progression back to exercise. four months from initial injury and your still having symptoms on running despite rest from aggravating activities would make me a bit suspicious.

    i would recommend at the very least having your knee assessed by someone competent. at this stage a proper diagnosis is key to how this problem progresses. look for a physiotherapist experienced in sports injuries/manual therapy and get it sussed out. sooner rather than later!

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    Re: Lateral Collateral Ligament Injury

    Cheers, I have been thinking about going to a physio to get a proper diagnosis


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