Brief Medical History Overview
Femoral Cyst
I'm a 23 year old female with Ehlers Danlos type 3, hypermobility type.
I've had increasing hip and lower back pain for about 4 weeks. I finally got in to see my new Ortho this morning. I had attributed my pain to my EDS and he seemed to agree with me. My IT Band snaps and he thought was probably a good part of my issue. But since I've felt a sort of popping/grinding where my femoral head sits he went ahead and ordered an
MRI to make sure there was no soft tissue damage before starting me on physical therapy.
The MRI came back within 30 minutes and I got a phone call. The doc said it "looks like" a cyst on the femoral neck and that I'm not allowed to stand/walk/anything weight bearing. He ordered me a pair of fore-arm crutches since my shoulders are bad from the EDS and I can't use normal crutches. I have a CT Scan and a Bone Scan on Monday.
I can't seem to find any information about possible causes or treatments for a cyst in the location mine is in. I'm more than a little nervous about the whole thing.
Because of my EDS being put through a bunch of tests and seeing all kinds of Docs is nothing new for me. But the lack of available information on this has me spinning my wheels a bit. I just what to know what the best and worst case scenarios would be so I know what to be prepared for once I get these tests finished up.
Thanks a bunch!
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