I'm a 23 year old female with Ehlers Danlos type 3, hypermobility type.

I've had increasing hip and lower back pain for about 4 weeks. I finally got in to see my new Ortho this morning. I had attributed my pain to my EDS and he seemed to agree with me. My IT Band snaps and he thought was probably a good part of my issue. But since I've felt a sort of popping/grinding where my femoral head sits he went ahead and ordered an Wikipedia reference-linkMRI to make sure there was no soft tissue damage before starting me on physical therapy.

The MRI came back within 30 minutes and I got a phone call. The doc said it "looks like" a cyst on the femoral neck and that I'm not allowed to stand/walk/anything weight bearing. He ordered me a pair of fore-arm crutches since my shoulders are bad from the EDS and I can't use normal crutches. I have a CT Scan and a Bone Scan on Monday.

I can't seem to find any information about possible causes or treatments for a cyst in the location mine is in. I'm more than a little nervous about the whole thing.

Because of my EDS being put through a bunch of tests and seeing all kinds of Docs is nothing new for me. But the lack of available information on this has me spinning my wheels a bit. I just what to know what the best and worst case scenarios would be so I know what to be prepared for once I get these tests finished up.

Thanks a bunch!

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