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    Brief Medical History Overview

    foot and ankle and now leg/back

    Could I get some advice please?important bits are in bold i think sorry for the long post. Thank you!!

    I slipped on ice in January and hurt my right ankle, while that was healing i somehow damaged the left foot, i cant remeber one incident doing it though. It might of been hurt when falling on the ice im not sure it was the other ankle i rember more at the time. But as times gone on the left one has gotten worse and worse.

    anyway the left ankle, it started to hurt a bit and was a bit puffy under and to the front of the outside ankle bone. not really big swelling just fluidly a bit.
    thing is its been sore now for just almost two months.

    my doctor one said wait for a physio and the other said might try get xray if it doesnt clear up. )its hard to see the same doctor with the waiting lists and all)

    i am trying to rest it. it got so bad i was limping bad and could hardly walk on it, walking really slow. thats when i went to the doctors
    doctor said to rest it, i tried but i wasnt sure what she meant - i thoght she meant dont go to the gym etc, try stay off it for unimportant things , she certainly didnt say dont go to to work and stop walking about anywhere, so i kept on trying to walk about at work when i had to, not walk unless it was really needed etc. and its just gotten worse.
    the last week i tried staying off it completely and its healed some, less pain but then today i try do some 'normal' activies walking about to the shops visiting a place not far. and by early afternoon its bad again. and i didnt walk far.

    when walking it hurts all over the foot, the pain shifts. sometimes its on the outside front lower of the ankle, sometimes its hurting the inside ankle and over the foot to the tops of my toes. i try touching the foot and its tender on the top of the foot where it joins the ankle, and tender on the outside side top of the foot.

    after all this time its starting to hurt the lower leg, and knee and getting pain going up the back of the leg and in my lower back.

    i want the doctor to refer me to a physio and what else do i do?

    at the start i got told to rest it and i did rest it some but i didnt know i was supposed to keep off it totally. when i went back saying it was still sore she said i should have rested it more, but why then dont i get some crutches! and she was so vague and didnt tell me to not walk on it at all.

    i am getting really upset because its not getting better. i will try stay home this week and keep it up. but really shouldnt i get crutches or something if walking about aggravates it this much.

    please any advice is most welcome.

    what does 'rest it' actually mean please and how long does that go on for? Do i need some crutches? is it ok to do things that dont hurt it like be on a bycycle or 10 minutes because that doesnt hurt. putting weight on it does.

    THANK YOU!!!!

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    Re: foot and ankle and now leg/back

    i forgot i do jog, well i did before. not very long times or fast, mostly a crawl. i did have flat feet as a teen and saw a foot specialist but apparently they werent that bad. i started wearing new trainers ones that are supposed to help for pronation right before this happened not sure if its connected though/

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