I will try and explain as best I can, I will avoid using medical terms that I may use incorrectly and stick to 'patient english'

I suffer from tendonitus, in both arms, on both sides. I am fairly certain that is has been caused by weight lifting at the gym. I have tried rest and until the last month had resumed weight lifting as was trying to live with it. I had it about 5 years ago and it went after weeks of physio.

Over the past 18 months or so it has recurred, first in my left arm and then in my right. The left had settled down to a neglible level but is now getting worse again. The right is very uncomfortable.

I have had physiotherapy, steroid injections and lythotryopsy in both arms, none have been successful. I have been tested for nerve entrapment and there is a minor problem with my spine, causing a slight compression of a nerve that they cannot be sure what, if any, part it plays with my elbow problems.

3 weeks ago I was given a new procedure by the consultant, which I believe from google searches is called an Autologous blood injection. Blood was taken, the platelets separated and re-injected into the outer side of my right elbow. This caused extreme pain and bruising on the inside of my arm (i think caused when the consultant gripped my arm, unsure) which has taken two weeks for the marks to not be visible. It left my arm extremely painful and is now far more uncomfortable than it was before.

I was told that for the four weeks after the injection I must not lift anything heavier than 5K with the injected arm and was given some exercises to perform.

I have also been having acupuncture in the same arm for the last 5 weeks, the first non NHS treatment I have tried.

I was sure that new treatment plus the acupuncture and rest would finally start this to heal. It concerns me greatly that options are running out and I dont know what to do. I do not wish to have surgery, as I have been advised by many that this can be risky and results not guaranteed.

I am now considering returning to the gym as it has been hard for me to rest. I am continuing with the acupuncture for now but cannot afford to carry on for ever without results.

I would appreciate any opinions and suggestions

Thank you for taking the time to read my post.

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