Brief Medical History Overview
Experiences of arthroscopic SAD & ACJ Excision patients

Hi there,
I'm hoping for some insight from a physio/musculoskeletal professional.
I'm a 29 year old female and a Personal Trainer for a living. I have weight trained regularly for over 10 years (ave 4 x wk). I did a lot of martial arts from my early teens right up to my mid twenties (retiring due to a complex ankle injury).
Approx one year ago I injured my right shoulder lifting a large heavy box into my car (the load shifted and instead of dropping it, I caught it which jolted my arm downwards), weirdly - I didn't experience any pain straight away, only when i demonstrated one lateral raise (without weight) the next day, which resulted in an audible pop/crunch and sudden pain.
Since then my ROM has got substantially worse (that is my pain-free ROM), the only restricted movement is reaching behind my back (un doing bra e.t.c). I have also experienced a steady loss of strength in my Pecs/deltoids/biceps (i still weight train with the approval of my ortho). There are certain movements I don't do as they cause excessive pain (e.g incline chest work).
I saw my ortho (ankle) and asked him to check my shoulder, he diagnosed impingement syndrome and referred me for intensive physio. Despite the physio's best efforts, she couldn't help - so referred me back to ortho.
Ortho sent me for xray and scan, this revealed subacromial impingement (bursitis), minor damage ?tear? to supraspinatus, I can't remember any other specifics off of the top of my head. Although it did also reveal a "substantial" Os Acromiale.
I have since had two steroid injections (one subacromial and one into the AC joint). Both increased the pain and provided no benefit. He said at this point that I also am experiencing impingement directly from my AC joint also
I am now on the waiting list to have a subacromial decompression with acromioclavicular joint excision (arthroscopic).
My main questions are....
Do any of you have experience of patients like me?
I've read a few horror stories on the web (i know, i'm my own worse enemy!)
My ortho has said that i am very young to have the excision, any experiences?
What is my recovery going to be like?
I understand that early mobilisation is crucial to prevent other complications (e.g
adhesive capsulitis)
I am scared that i am going to have to change profession and give up/serverly modify my training but i am in such a great deal of pain that every day activities (driving, showering, dressing) give me so much pain that it gives me nausea.
I AM TERRIFIED.... and my head is spinning!
Can anyone re-assure me or at least give me a truthful insight - so that I can be realistic in my expectations.
I have just remembered the fact that the surgeon said that the impingement is secondary to the Os Acromiale. So this surgery is possibly just the beginning... He was clear about the SAD/ACJ Excision rectifying all causes of impingement. He said he'll review my pain score at 6mths post op & if i'm still in a substantial amount of pain, I will need major surgery to correct the defect (Os Acromiale).
I do apologise for the rather long-winded post, but if you've reached this point THANK YOU!
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