Hi all, any help with this is greatly appreciated.

I'm a 21 year old male who recently had an Acl reconstruction on the right knee(hamstring Graft). Surgery was Mid October so i'm almost at the 6 month mark post op. However, for reasons i won't get in to my rehabilitation has been massively interrupted, for both reasons out of my control and within. Anyway, what's done is done and hopefully not irreparably so.

I was 2 months in to my rehab and able to achieve full extension and flexion, save a few degrees or so. For the next two months my physio dropped off, and only basic stretching exercise and sporadic cycling machine work were done. This has undoubtedly affected the scar tissue and general progress of the new graft, but to what extent? I've been doing gym work for the past month and everything seems to be okay in that degree. However i'm getting a lot of pain when i bring my knees up to my chest, i can achieve full flexion but only when helped with my hands clasped around my shin bone. I've begun playing tennis with no real complaints other than a slight wobble and the crunching sensation described in the next paragraph.

There are several things i can't distinguish between my lack of physio and general post operative complaints, for example, i still get radiating pain on both sides of my shin when i receive a knock on the general area of the main incision, after 6 months i'm wondering whether or not this should have ceased. I also get what i can only describe as a crunching sensation or sharp stabbing pain should i distribute too much weight on my bad side on the wrong part of my foot, this is less often but if i am to return to my main sport, football, this is obviously a problem.

My main question i guess, is will i be able to play football again? I've put semi-professional out of my sights, which is what i was working towards before i sustained the injury(december2008) and am quite frankly happy with 5-a-side and the odd 11-a-side sunday league match, but has my break from physio destroyed these chances?

Thank you for taking the time to read, feel free to ask any questions, i've tried to be as informative as possible but no doubt i've missed some crucial tidbits, cheers.

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