Brief Medical History Overview
Just hypermobility?
Hi there,
I am trying my best to understand hypermobility and multiple muscle strains.
I am 25 years old, otherwise healthy. I am a competitive highland dancer (practice 3hrs/wk). On non-dance days I train at the gym - weights, cardio (recumbent bike only), core and lots of strtching. I have a crazy shin splint in my left. I recently had a bone scan to rule out a stress fracture (no fracture) and my sports med doctor figured it is just an overuse injury. I rested it frl
dance for 2 months, just returned to dance two weeks ago and the pain is back like before. In my rest period I only did my usual gym routine.
I see a Physio every week. She ultrasounds it and tries to help the muscles relax. I have very high tone in my lower legs, they feel like logs, causing my dance to be really sloppy. My Physio has told me that i have very unstable and hypermobile joints. All my home exercises aimed at strenghtening but I seem to be getting no where. I am so weak and pull muscles all the time. I keep subluxing my shoulder with minimal effort, twisting my ankles, hurting my knees etc. All the muscles around my joints are tight no matter how carefully I stretch.
I want to know of there are any other techniques out there I can try to reduce these injuries and the high tone ( it is uncomfortable, I lose sleep and get spasms). My sports doc said all my blood test results were normal, and told me to stick with the (boring) bike, keep working with Physio to strengthen etc. My problems seem to get worse and worse with activity, but I like leading a physically active lifestyle and I hate not beiing able to dance. If anyone has more info/treatment ideas I would be grateful thank you )
(I also see a massage therapist; and use epsom salts in the bath; and drink lots of water and potassium is normal).
Thanks for any ideas 

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