Brief Medical History Overview
About to put a bullet in my head, 3 months, more discs blowing, wtf
Ok I'm at my wits end.
3 Months ago I visited a Chiropractor.
He clicked me around, said my SI Joints were out of alignment ( They werent ) I walked out of there, went to bed, BANG sciatica.
I've seen about 9 Different Physiotherapists in Australia, Some were Osteopath related.
( 3 Months Ago )
MRI Report - L5S1 Annular disc prolapse enroaching on the right nerve
(1 day ago ) MRI Report - L5S1 Disc bulge close to nerve, L4l5 disc bulge pushing on thecal sack
Since then Ive had 3 months of hell.
Let me give you a quick run down of the symptoms, in hopes that someone has seen this and can lead me in the right direction.
Month 1 - Burning Feet like in Lava, Unable to sit for even 5 seconds, Unable to lie down straight without sciatica, Constant aching in legs 24/7, Pain killers didnt work, Stretching Tight leg muscles relieved pain for 5 mins to 30 mins. Was able to walk and when walking was pain free, but only when walking.
Month 2 - Hip Shifted upwards and backwards, Scolosis affect, in pain constantly with a dull ache, Able to walk.
Month 3 - Almost No Pain except for just before bed, Can bend over fine touch toes ect, flare ups and twinges now and again but generally comfortable.
Hip has shifted backwards, large crease on right side ( Disc bulge was on right )
Second disc has prolapsed, L4L5 for no reason ( I've only been bed resting )
Neck disc has now prolapsed causing shooting pains down arms and chest aches
So my body is attacking itself, my spine is blowing disc after disc after disc, from bed rest and gentle stretching/exercise.
This all sounds terrible right? The problem Im most concerned about is Walking.
I can walk, but when I start walking I get cold pains behind and around my knees, Nerve pains, Maybe a jolt of ice water on my leg every 50 steps or so.
No Physio has been able to tell me why this has happened, one of them suspected it was a limited range of movement in my lumbar spine causing it ( I dunno what that means ).
Has any other physio here ever had someone who has had cold water feelings on the back of their legs after walking for certain periods of time. I suspect its not so much the walking as it is walking on different surfaces, up hill, off a side walk ect, it seems to happen randomly, but I suspect its more or less when I step off something onto a lower surface or move either my hips or lumbar spine a way it doesnt want to ( But used to be able to ) move.
All Physios have said my lumbar joints are locking up tight at the moment though, I cant seem to get a fix for it, Whenever they massage it and mobilize it I'm almost pain free but it locks up again after a few days, is there a stretch for this? Mckenzie stretch doesnt work, my spines locked up pretty hard lol.
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