i had a second acl operation in november and am about 6 months through my rehab. i am having trouble with swelling on both sides of my knee, and building up the vmo and quad muscles. i ice my knee at least once every day yet cannot get rid of the last bit of swelling. the swelling doesnt get any worse no matter how much weights or running i do. i must tell you i had cartilage removed in my previous acl operation about a 20 months ago.

my second problem is i cant build up my vmo and quad muscles. i would say my leg is as strong as my good one but it looks so much smaller?

i could really do with some help as i am thinking of going back to playing competitive football in the next month or two and i dont want this to hold me back or stop me. as you can imagine being unable to play much football for the last 6 months has been very hard.

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