Brief Medical History Overview
Grade 3 Hanstring Injury
Hi there,
Back in Nov 09, i was playing sunday football, I was sprinting after the ball (I'm quite quick) and my hamstring went. I dropped on a heap on the floor in pain. I come off an just rested and it.
The next time i decided to play was the start of Feb 10, thats a good few months off playing. I managed to get through the next 2 games in feb no problems, just the fact it may go again.
And ya guessed it it did on my 3rd game in Feb. This time the pain was unthinkable, swelling for weeks, so i want to the docs, got booked for an ultrasound scan.
The scan showed a 3inch tear and damaged tissues.
Now i had to wait for physio an still waiting now, thats the NHS for you.
But while im still waiting for that, my whole leg when i sit down throbs an hurts till i can get it in a way that it dont. why is this?
It hurts my whole thigh an my lower leg and getting hip and lower back pain all on the same side of my hamstring anyone any ideas why this could be or wat it is?.
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