Brief Medical History Overview
Pain when I do a lot pain when I dont
Hello everyone
I really do wonder if sometimes my body says OI NO enough is enough! But if I rest it still hurts. I have had pain in my back hips legs shoulders for around 2 and a half years. I woke up this morning with leg and lower back pain, in the leg it feels like a long vein sometimes from the groin down to the ankle travelling on the outside of the leg sometimes from my bottom travelling again on the outside of the leg but both pains are deep, sometimes hot sometimes cold I cant always tell which. But really hurting. I cant lay on my right side now and my left is becomming incresingly difficult, even on my back I have pain. This is not all the time but most nights. During the day it is the same but I get on with what I have to do. I thought it was sciatica. I had an
MRI about a year ago nothing seemed wrong. When I first started experiencing pain it was in my hips I was in agony so I went to a chriropractor who gave me accupuncture OUCH!! in my bottom area mainly. He said my muscles had gone into a sort of spasm he didnt think there was anything wrong with my hips but this was referred pain. I had stetching exercises and 4 more treatments. At this time I started to do an exercise video to help strengthen my muscles in the lower part of my body. I am not overweight or sit around all day. I am a carer and cleaner so get in all sorts of positions! I walk my dog twice a day also. I have been on a course of steroids no help. I also get, which im sure alot of people do what I call, a stressy neck and shoulders. Maybe it all stems from the same thing. Oh yes my hands particularly my thumb area hurts. It seems like sometimes my whole body aches. I have had blood tests LOADS. The only thing that comes out of it is that my white blood count is high. I started to do a diary a while ago of the pains and when but when i had read it back it was quite depressing so I stopped. PLEASE can you tell me anything, what exercises to do that wont hurt my back, whre do I go from here, anything. Im having a particularly hurty day today. Woke up in pain found your site at 5.30 this morning worked all day still in pain.

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