Brief Medical History Overview
Strange Soccer Injury

Been playing soccer for years... recently before a match, I experienced pain in my lower leg after taking a few practice shots.
Nothing else causes me pain, not running, not passing with instep, etc.
I have been doing research and started to think I might be suffering from Chronic Exertional Compartment Syndrome, but noticed that running doesn't aggravate my condition.
The only thing that gives me pain is kicking a soccer ball with the laces with any kind of moderate or higher force.
I will have soreness in my lower leg, just outside the shin, for about 1 to 3 hours following the match. I can walk fine and lift my foot.
I also noticed this past weekend that if I sit down and push against my big toe and try to lift it up, that it causes me a similar pain as kicking the ball.
The last thing is that in normal activities, i.e. walking etc, I sometimes get a sensations in my lower leg, like I feel the muscle moving. This feels like it's associated with the nerves, and I did have a small area of numbness on the surface of my skin on the outside of my leg, two days after it first happened.
If anyone has an idea of what I might be suffering from, or knows a good doc to go see, please let me know.
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