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  1. #1
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    Footballer - Tight Hips/Groins problem

    Hi everyone

    First time poster here!

    I'm Si, 29 years old and have been playing football since I was able too! I play to a reasonable level and have been quite lucky, touch wood, with injuries until now.

    I have always had tight leg muscles (hammys, groins in particular) and my hips have never been the most flexible.

    I'm 6ft4 and weight about 14 ish stone (when fit!).

    Towards the end of last season my groins started feeling a lot tighter and my hips even less flexible. I was also getting pain in the very lower stomach (a couple of inches above my *****) and some aching in my testicles.

    Stupidly I played a few games on the hard ground like it and just ended up getting subbed off.

    Now I am at a total loss as pre-season starts and I am unable to do anything. My doc checked my testicles and they are clear of infection and similar other things. The doc also checked (excuse me being blunt) up my bum and couldn't find any probs (the pain went right through to my backside).

    I have been to see a very good physio who suggested it was pubis oestietus (excuse the spelling) and since then I have been taking 50mg diplofenic tablets to calm any inflamatory. Thats been 3 weeks now and my situation hasnt really improved.

    I am trying to do gentles stretching and light exercises to loosen my hips a bit (such as the "opening of the gate" where you lift a leg in the standing positions and rotate it around).

    Does anyone have any suggestions? I have an appointment to see a urologist on 18th Aug to make sure theres no low lying infections anywhere but I'm pretty convinced its all musclar.

    Any help appreciated!


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    Re: Footballer - Tight Hips/Groins problem

    If your condition is osteitis pubis recovery may be a lengthy process associated with reduced activity and physiotherapy to correct contributing factors. I would discuss your questions and expectations with your physio.

    Best of luck,


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