Brief Medical History Overview
Small chip in lateral malleolus

Hello there
Last Tuesday (27th July) I sustained a small, non-displaced chip at the bottom of my left lateral malleolus (through a less than graceful dismount from a horse!) I went straight to A&E and was put in a non weight-bearing plaster cast, and since have kept it elevated and am taking anti-inflammatories. There is no pain, and until the cast was put on later that evening I could walk on the ankle (although it was swollen to the size of a golf ball!)
I'm due back at the fracture clinic exactly 2 weeks after the break, and I'm really hoping I can have the plaster cast removed and replaced with a removable ankle splint/brace (I'd envisage using crutches for another week or so after that) so I can start physio & ideally swimming. Is this wildly optimistic?! I'm otherwise a very fit & healthy person, and while I fully understand the need to care for it correctly so it recovers completely, I'm finding the immobility very frustrating! Likewise, I'm meant to be going on a riding holiday exactly 10 weeks after the chip, and am unsure whether this again is too optimistic.
Any thoughts would be hugely appreciated!
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