Hi All!

I am in need of help.
I fell on my wrist in january whilst snowboarding. I sprained it but it got better after about 3 weeks.

Then all of a sudden about 3 months ago it started really hurting again..... i couldnt(and still cant) put weight on it, and the small lump of bone ontop of the wrist that slightly sticks out(on the thumb side of the wrist) is agony when pressure is put on it.

I went to the docs about 3 weeks ago who said it was a sprain, i wasnt convinced so went back again and got an xray done. The xray came back fine so my doc says it is a sprain.

Ive rested it for well over two months and avoided puttin weight on it, ive also used ibruprofen gel on it. But the pain has got no better.

I leave for another winter season in 6 weeks......so can anyone offer me some advice?

Many thanks

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