Brief Medical History Overview
Interesting Strain - Handshake Injury

This is a very strange strain I suffered and I have no idea how it happened, or if the individual did it on purpose.
At a music show, I encountered an individual I had seen at many shows of the same genre of music. A common handshake in LA is as seen in the picture below. I said hello to him, small talk, and moved on to the dance floor.
The music was slow, I had ear plugs in because I was directly in front of the speakers, and had my back to the speakers. I may have seemed in protest, but regardless I was bored.
The individual pushed me, in a joking manner, then smiled as if we were friends and I was complicit with his behavior, and shook my hand in the style of the picture below. I recall him moving away while still holding my hand, so I took a step toward him, then I felt a strain. I was about to approach him but he walked away and I moved on.
From what I recall, by using the image below, the individual (referenced by the white hand) pushed into my Metacarpo-phalangeal joint with his index and or middle finger.
The pain lasted for about a month, and now I only feel pain when I use my MCP joint in non-stabilized movements like using my thumb to stretch open a sock or to pull up my pants, the squeezing motion of my thumb and index finger base knuckle.
Thanks for any and all help guys! I also help this page can serve as a reference for individuals out there who may encounter this problem in the future.
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