I've been having recurring hip problems for over a year now and no one has been able to properly diagnose me up to this point.

Here are some blurbs from some medical images.


There is a small faint nonspecific focus of calcification projected along the right side of the pelvis.

The upper sacral segment appears somewhat transitional.
Bone density:

Activity in the SI joints appears mildly increased in a diffuse symmetric fashion. Si joints views recommend for further assessment.

There is low-grade increased tracer uptake in the hip joints, somewhat unusual for patient age, low grade activity in the superlotateral aspect of the both acetablum seen, and there asymmetric increased uptake in the region of the lateral aspect of the right femoral neck.

Low grade uptake in the region of the symphysis pubis.
Wikipedia reference-linkMRI:

The left hip joint is normal. Surrounding bones and muscles also normal on the left side.

The right hip joint is also normal.
I have pain where my thigh meets my pelvis and I haven't been able to squat for nearly 6 months right now because of the crippling pain. I made the mistake of squatting through the pain and aggressively stretching before hand, yeah ... that didn't work out too well. It got to the point where even breaking at my hips would make it feel my entire pelvis was about to crumble. It's better now but that isn't saying much.

A month or two ago this pain popped up in and around my ass.

I circled the two areas where I feel the pain is coming frm. The left frontal hip pain only surfaces when I squat/play basketball and its also achy throughout the day. The back pain or w/e it is surfaces when I bend or move side to side. I'll take my hip through movements and I'll feel the pain in the back of my ass come and go in spurts. I should add that no amount of poking or pinching can replicate the pain, it only ever surfaces when I take my hip through motions (squatting, jumping, playing basketball)

I'm really at a loss for words, I've seen numerous doctors-therapists-sports clinician etc and no one can help me. Besides the usual, "keep exercising" routine, which suffice to say hasn't helped in the least bit.

In summary:

1. Hip pain
2. Almost a full years worth (off and on) of PT
3. Left frontal hip pain and possible SI joint dysfunction

When I take my left knee and bring it to my chest I feel this deep pain, as if it's radiating from the joint itself. I've also noticed my hip is snapping in and out of place which was never a problem before. I've had two or three PT's out right tell me they have no idea what's going on, I appreciate the honestly but that doesn't bode well for my condition lol.

Any help would be appreciated.

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