Brief Medical History Overview
Swelling and Lower Knee Discomfort Post Injury

After having Patellofemoral syndrome in my left knee for a year, I finally found the cause of the pain which was a trigger point in my Rectus Femoris. I think the main cause was overuse from cycling.
I obviously wanted to get back to exercise. However after only very few half an hour sessions on a gym exercise bike (about 1 - 2), I got a knee effusion which sits just above my fat pad on the lateral side. Along with this I also got a discomfort just below my knee.
I kept exercising lightly for a few weeks, and then when the swelling did not disappear I went to visit a physio.
He found that I have tenderness in my patellar tendon.
He noted my quadricep flexibility was good (due to me trying to increase it when I first had my PFPS). He said if I rest 5 days the swelling should be gone at which point I should begin some conditioning, as he noticed I have a large imbalance (weak VMO, and upon performing a squat the Rectus Femoris seems to be the only muscle working).
However I have rested now for a week and the swelling does not significantly seem to have gone down. Also the tendon still seems tender. I have also noticed that I have tenderness on the lateral bottom side of the Patella. I also have noticed that my patella tendon only seems to be tender on the lateral side (just trying to give as much information if it's possible, to see if it helps). I also have a trigger point in my gluteus minimus which sometimes gets bad enough to tighten up my QL aswell (I think this may have been from limping when I first had PFPS).
Unfortunately I am not in the area where I first saw the Physio, and so cannot see him for another 3 weeks.
I was wondering if you could possibly advise me on the best course of action, and help to answer some of my questions?
Firstly I have read about cross friction massage to the tender area in my patellar tendon. I am wondering whether it is advisable for me to do this?
Should I carry on resting, and how much resting is considered resting if that makes sense? Does it mean avoid walking etc, or simply avoid anything which aggravates it I am slightly concerned that if I keep resting it will make my VMO even weaker. Also should I avoid prolonged sitting, as this seem to makes it hurt more.
Thanks very much for your help!
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