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  1. #1
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    Pain on joint between thorso and thigh

    Physical Agents In Rehabilitation
    Never had this before and thinking of paying a visit to a physio.

    However, money is a bit of an issue at the moment and I just thought I might get some quick advice before I do commit.

    Since Christmas or so, I've been getting a pain right where my upper leg meet my body. It feels like it's right at the top of my thigh, but it clearly isn't a muscle injury.

    It flares up any time I sprint (playing soccer etc) but then about 2 days later, the pain is mainly gone. It's not affecting me too much but I can sprint as fast as I usually can.

    Could this be an issue with my hip and is this likely to keep reoccuring until I do something about it.

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    Re: Pain on joint between thorso and thigh

    Your post suggests that the pain is in the groin. If so, you may have overstretched during training or during a game and this requires rest from over stretching in all situations, training, playing, excessive treatment stretching. etc. Frequently groin pain is refered pain from the Sacro-Iliac area. The Physio treatment for this is the same as treatment to the lower back.

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    Re: Pain on joint between thorso and thigh

    Aircast Airselect Short Boot
    dear Hoegaarden man and tonywoodall,

    I particularly like tonywoodall's approach to solving musculoskeletal problems and much of the doctrine i adhere to when there is a need for it. However, I personally find it difficult to conclude on what a problem is with very little information. This is clearly some fault in my ability to clinically reason a problem. Having said that, there are so many reasons why you would have groin pain especially when you sprint and in no other activity (i am assumming this is the case)...also there is a reason why this flares up lasts for two days and then goes...
    I will not jump to the conclusion that it is a sacroiliac problem however i would acknowledge that it could be. again more information is needed..

    i.e, after the sprint due to find it hard to weight bear? do you get it at the start of the sprint or at the end? is there any other movement that brings this problem up? e.g stair climbing, hip movements, lower back movements... after your sprint and you have a flare up, is there a position that eases it? does it disturb your sleep?

    stress fractures can occur in sprinters to be honest...so is osteitis pubis, so are adductor strains...to conclude that the problem is from the spine automatically with authority shows an expertise that very specific to experience..
    if you can give us more information, then maybe we could help reason out the problem...in the end nothing beats having a hands on assessment

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