I'm in my 4th month of elbow pain due to lateral epicondylitis (Wikipedia reference-linktennis elbow). This started while I was getting PT for shoulder pain (shoulder Wikipedia reference-linkMRI shows small sub-acromion tears). Treatment for that has been placed on hold until the elbow is resolved.

After 5 weeks of PT including stretches, gentle eccentric exercises, massage, heat, ultrasound, an arm band, practicing better posture, and trying to rest the arm as much as possible, there is still no improvement in pain in the elbow (or shoulder, but the elbow pain is much worse).

My sports ortho doc (a shoulder/elbow specialist) ordered an MRI of my elbow which I will schedule tomorrow. He is reluctant to do cortisone shots because of their risk to the tendon.

I asked him about PRP. He has done this treatment but doesn't push it because it is still cutting edge and insurance may not cover it. But since I asked, he was willing to discuss it as an option, pending the MRI results.

Has anyone tried and received good results from PRP for chronic unrelieved tennis elbow?

I am trying to avoid surgery unless it is absolutely necessary.

BTW, I'm 54 years with a full-time desk job but otherwise very active. A couple of people shared with me that after 1-2 years of unrelenting tennis elbow, they finally gave their arm complete rest until all pain subsided, then slowly rebuilt the strength in the elbow and now, a few years later, their elbow is healed. Since I am still working full-time, complete rest is pretty much out of the question for me; in fact, just getting ready for work in the morning sets it off so much that by the time I get to work it takes a few hours to settle down.

I'm hoping that my MRI will clarify the next step in treatment.

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