Brief Medical History Overview
Where do I go from here ? NEED RELIEF
Hi everyone ,
I am in my 40s , and when I was 18 years old xrays showed I had fused ribs , some
scoliosis , and some fusion of the upper spine in 3 discs ? Gave me some heat treatment and that was that.
Then 8 years ago I got alot of shoulder pain and dizziness ,
had some massage done at the chinese place and felt a bit better but still dizzy.
Then 4 months ago both my arms went numb , collar bone hurts, rib pain , neck pain and shoulder pain. Had
mri and it shows I have degenerative changes at c5/c6/c7.
Still in pain , very very dizzy with head movements , stay home all the time cos its so bad. Doctor said it will go away one day , may take a year , pain killers dont help.
any help pleaseeeeeeeee .
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