Brief Medical History Overview
Age: 26, Male, Presenting Problem Since: Been injured for 6 weeks in total back then hamstring, now back again., Symptom Behaviour: Constant, No Investigations, No Diabetes, No history of High Blood Pressure, No Medications, No Osteoporosis, No Hx of Cancer, No Unexplained Weight Loss, No Bowel/Bladder issues
Riddle me this - Sciatic pain - Pulled hamstring
Hi Guys, fingers crossed I don't go on for too long explaining what's going on..
Hurt my back in the gym about 6 weeks ago, this went from tight muscle type dull pain, to an odd sensation in the right side of my butt and right leg. I rested for 2 weeks, and then start lifting lightly and playing American football again.
All appeared to be going well when at the end of a pretty tough training session, I pulled my right hamstring whilst running. I've been on light duties and doing stretches now for about 4 weeks. I also saw a sports therapist in this time who poked and prodded my leg.
Now my hamstring seems to be easing up, I'm getting a tightness in my lower back again. Is this just a coincidence or are the two linked in some way?
I haven't lifted any weights with my back since I hurt it 6 weeks ago, the only thing that I can think might have aggravated it would be a night spent on a friends sofa this weekend.
I can't decide if I should go back to see the same sports therapist, or should I go and see a chiropractor instead. I can't help but feel that my back problems and tight hamstring(s) are linked in some way.
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