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    Brief Medical History Overview

    Age: 34, Female, Presenting Problem Since: 2 years, Symptom Behaviour: getting worse, Symptoms Worse (24hr Behaviour): constant, Investigations: weak muscles in neck area; no abnormalities in vertebrae, No Diabetes, No history of High Blood Pressure, No Medications, No Osteoporosis, No Hx of Cancer, No Unexplained Weight Loss, No Bowel/Bladder issues, Other Info: none

    Treatment for Forward Head Posture in the UK?

    Physical Agents In Rehabilitation
    Can anyone recommend a specialist in the UK who is expert in treating forward head posture? I'm posting on behalf of my sister who has chronic and debilitating headaches due to her posture in front of her computer at work. She has very thin neck and weak muscles in that area. She has seen lots of people of various disciplines (neurologists, reflexologists etc) none of whom has given her the means or knowledge to fix the problem. I've just discovered this great forum and hoping someone might be able to recommend a specialist in London or elsewhere in UK who is good at this particular problem. Thanks very much!

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    Re: Treatment for Forward Head Posture in the UK?

    Hi Michael. Has your sister seen a physiotherapist to help with her headaches?? If not, she should see one, and they will treat her pain, and then start with rehabilitation which includes stretching and strengthening exercises, posture correction, correcting her work station - if it is her posture at work thats causing this, then its about lifestyle change.
    The first step is to decrease her pain and then the rehab can start...it will make a world of difference.

    I hope this helps.


    Reshma Namlal
    South Africa

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    Re: Treatment for Forward Head Posture in the UK?

    Aircast Airselect Short Boot
    Hello Michael,
    As Reshma says, try a physiotherapist. Neck muscle deep massage with neck vertebral mobilisation (not necessarily manipulation) could be of assiistance. The postural aspect is very important. Have a look at the following exercise that I give to my patients. The idea is to stretch the tight chest muscles, strengthen, shorten and increase the endurance in the muscles between the shoulder blades whilst improving the head position on the spine. The gradual increase in holding the posture and number of repetitions done per day also trains a new habit better than standard exercises.

    To ensure the exercise is done effectively it is a good idea to write on a calendar: each day mark am & pm eg day 1 10 secs 10 times, day 2 11 secs 10 times, day 3 11 secs 11 times and so on until you get to 20 secs 20 times. Then do 20 secs 20 times once a day for 7 days. After this the exercise can be reduced until a maintenance dose is found, which may be once a week or less. If activities are done that increase foward lean and chin poke position the exercises should be increased to match the activity.

    Hope this helps.

    Shoulder retraining and strengthening
    1. In sitting - Place your fists on the seat at each side of your hips, and slightly behind you.

    2. Look forward keeping the chin level.

    3. Lift your shoulders toward your ears, and roll them back and down feeling your shoulder blades pinch together.

    4. Keeping the shoulder blades pinched back, push down onto your fists gently as if you are to lift your bottom off the seat.

    5. Hold the position for 10 seconds, repeat 10 times at the first session, and do 2 sessions per day.

    6. Progress each day by increasing the number seconds held or the number of holds per session on alternate days. For example: Day one 10 secs/10 times; Day two 11 secs/10 times; Day three 11secs/11 times; 12/11;12/12 etc

    Over 3 weeks gradually build up your tolerance to eventually achieve 20 second hold and 20 repeats, twice daily.
    Once you have achieved this level reduce to 20 seconds 20 repeats once a day for a week.
    Congratulations, you have corrected the problem by improving muscle strength endurance & length as well improving posture. The next step is to maintain the good work by doing the exercise occasionally.
    Be certain that the shoulder blade pinch is maintained when pushing down with your fists. Use a rolled towel each side of your hips if the surface is soft eg a padded couch or bed.

    If you feel muscle tightness across the abdomen you are leaning back too far.

    If soreness is felt through the neck you may be pushing down too hard with your hands or not keeping the head level.

    It is normal to feel exercise muscle soreness, especially when beginning this exercise. If you are concerned regarding any symptom change, please phone your therapist for advice.


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