Hey guys, I'm glad to have found this website, its nice to see other people with injurys like mine (meant in the best possible way)
What is the recovery of this surgery like?
My accident happened on the 14th April but I spent a few weeks just resting it at home as like most injury, I thought it would just heal.
Having been sent to the hospital after 3 weeks, my GP informed me I need to have it checked as 3 weeks is a long time without much improvement (this was the first time my GP saw my knee)
after my scan, they immediately set up a bed in the trauma ward only for me to be told I wasnt being let out. That night I had a blood thinner injection into my stomach, which I knew wasn't a good sign. The next day, I was told early in the morning that I would be having surgery on my knee and they explained what was needed. (A knee lift, screws, plate and a bone graft - they explained they would use animal bones as the other option was from my hip which they said would be very painful to me - I signed some forms and went on my way that very afternoon)
Since my op I've been in a full leg splint and am waiting for a knee brace so I can bend the knee, I've still been told no weight bearing but they wish me to go back next month which would be 6weeks after the op.
What happens next?2011-05-24 11.31.59.jpg2011-05-24 11.29.19.jpg2011-05-22 10.53.05.jpg2011-05-22 10.53.32.jpg2011-05-25 18.28.22.jpg
I should add that whilst it took me a while to get it checked, my consultant at the hospital assured me the injury and op procedure would have been the same if I'd reported it earlier (I was afraid having left it some weeks, I might have made it worse - but they informed me this was not the case .... phew!)
10 screws, a plate, a knee lift and a bone graft.... I'm still out of work and have been for a month and half, and work have been understanding but I am worried they may just let me go or something, leaving me with bills to pay.
Any advice or information is very much welcomed, I'm 25 yrs old and the doc said this is a good thing for me, but am very worried - my consultant has already told me I won't have a normal knee ever, not like I had before.
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