Age: Yes, Female, Presenting Problem Since: 6 months, Symptom Behaviour: remaining constant, Symptoms Worse (24hr Behaviour): N/A, Aggravating Factors:: squatting, jumping, running, Easing Factors:: ice, Investigations: MRI, Arthroscope, No Diabetes, No history of High Blood Pressure, No Medications, No Osteoporosis, No Hx of Cancer, No Unexplained Weight Loss, No Bowel/Bladder issues
I had a knee arthroscope 11 weeks ago however I am still experiencing lateral knee pain especially during squatting.
My physio says I am still testing positive for a lateral cartilage tear via the appley test.
Should the appley test still be positive after so many weeks post op?
At the 2 week post op appointment with the surgeon he said it was an awkward horizontal fissure tear and that he cleared up the torn bits but had to leave a 'hole' in the cartilage which could cause problems further.
I havent been able to get back playing sport and I am really sick of the problem at this stage as I was told pre-op that I could be back playing after 4 weeks.
Please help! Does it still sound like the cartilage is still torn?
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According to your surgeon he left it in the torn state, so that answers your question. I would not be squatting at this time, at least until pain free motion is demonstrated and then I would begin with body weight only squats. Perhaps you are doing to much to soon. For my mind the 4 week time frame was rather optimistic. p.s. The Physio should stop testing the knee, e.g. via theApley grind test when things are trying to heal. Many of the tests provoke the tissues so why continue to do them once you know what has gone on in there.
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