Brief Medical History Overview
Age: 24, Male, Presenting Problem Since: Since Monday as full weight bearing, Symptom Behaviour: Constant, Symptoms Worse (24hr Behaviour): Constant, Aggravating Factors:: Exercises, Easing Factors:: Not exercising, Investigations: Tibia fully healed now, but weakness in knee and tightness of calf, No Diabetes, No history of High Blood Pressure, No Medications, No Osteoporosis, No Hx of Cancer, No Unexplained Weight Loss, No Bowel/Bladder issues, Other Info: None.
Advice Please?

Hey all I am new to the site and I am looking for some advice.
March 19th this year I suffered a multi-segmental fracture to my Tibia and a fracture of the fibula also whilst playing football.
I had an operation on March 21st which was to correct the bone position and insert and intradullmery nail, for which I have 3 screws at the top of my shin and 2 at my ankle.
I visited the hospital on Monday where my doctor told me that I would not need anymore X-Rays as my bone is completely healed and I am now able to full weight bare, I also spoke to a physiotherapist who gave me a couple of small exercises to get on with.
My doctor told me that I should not need my crutches anymore and that I should be able to walk, however the physio said to me that I need to be careful doing this as if I walk without crutches I may start to limp.
I have tried walking and I am doing well, I am also doing my exercises daily, however, one of the exercises I was given was a calf raise, when I try to do this the front of my tibia is slightly painful.
When I perform other exercises like squats or anything, then it tends to be the back of the leg (just below the calf muscle) that tends to be painful.
The physiotherapist said to me that my calf was tight and that my knee was weakened.
So my question is, is this normal due to the lack of strength in my knee and the tightening of my calf, or is my bone not strong enough to perform such actions?
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Last edited by BarryClem; 16-06-2011 at 10:33 AM.
Reason: More Information Added