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  1. #1
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    Brief Medical History Overview

    Age: 19, Male, Presenting Problem Since: 6 months, Symptom Behaviour: remaining constant, Symptoms Worse (24hr Behaviour): same always, Aggravating Factors:: Not experienced much difference, pain has most often never been there, apart from on 2 days, both occuring after exercise, yet most days i do this exercise it is not there, Easing Factors:: swelling has remained constant, No Investigations, No Diabetes, No history of High Blood Pressure, No Medications, No Osteoporosis, No Hx of Cancer, No Unexplained Weight Loss, No Bowel/Bladder issues, Other Info: No

    Tietze syndrome - costochondral inflammation - help

    Hi,To sum up my story, I'm 19, and have been weight lifting for a year. In January, my technique deteriorated as i tried a new incline exercise, and i started bouncing the weights off my chest, which caused swelling.

    I stopped, and continued other exercises, yet stopped bouncing weights off my chest, and the swelling remained for 4 months. It began to hurt slightly, so I went to the doctor, he said it was a costochondral joint inflammation (Tietze, due to the inflammation, not associated with costochondritis), and gave me some NSAID cream.

    I continued to exercise, as the pain had gone away yet the swelling remained.

    A week ago, the pain began again (Very mild, nothing extreme at all, just aware of pain there) when breathing when hunched over, and after certain exercises. Went to the doctor again, and they gave me some NSAID pills, and suggested i take 2 weeks off all weight lifting.

    I thought this time frame would be too short, as from what i've read a cartilage inflammation like this takes months to heal, yet since i dont have much pain, and i am young, she thinks itll clear up quickly.

    It almost feels like less of a swelling, and as if it has become bone to be honest, yet the physio this morning seemed to think it was muscle stiffness as well as the cartilage inflamation.

    I have attached a photo of my chest, if that helps, you can clearly see the area that is swollen.


    Any advice on how i can speed along recovery if 2 weeks doesnt cut it? I REALLY love weight lifting, and will go mad if i cant do it.. AND lose my physique, itll kill me!

    I am currently taking 2 weeks off training, and will see if that helps the swelling. I have been resting an ice pack on my chest each evening, and trying hard not to do any movements that will cause strain on my chest.

    Over the next few weeks however, i would like to maintain some levels of work on my arms at least. Would just doing dumbell curls on my arms place any significant strain on the chest and affect the healing? I am leaving out the larger compound movements, and chest based presses, yet just the ability to do a few dumbell exercises without affecting the healing would keep me sane a bit!

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    Re: Tietze syndrome - costochondral inflammation - help

    Do u have any x-ray of that region? if there is any kind of bony injury it will render your recovery.

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